Background: Prednisolone (PSL) and HCQ are key drugs in the therapy of SLE. However, since PSL induce many harmful adverse events, PSL is preferred to be reduced especially in the maintenance therapy. The efficacy of HCQ for reducing the dose of PSL has not been revealed yet. So, we focused on the cessation of PSL under the treatment of HCQ with conventional SLE therapy.
Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of HCQ as co-treatment in the standard therapy of SLE.
Methods: SLE patients (n=30) under the maintenance therapy were enrolled in this study. Dose of PSL, titer of anti-DNA antibody, WBC count, serum complement and SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) were examined retrospectively at 0 and 12 months after administration of HCQ.
Results: Baseline patient-characteristics are as follows (mean±S.E); the age of patients was 54.4±3.2 years old, 21 patients (70%) were female, the disease duration was 108.5±25.2 months, SLEDAI was 4.0±0.9, the dose of PSL was 10.3±1.7 mg/day, the titer of anti-DNA antibody was 7.3±1.8 IU/ml, C3 was 85±4.3 mg/dl and C4 was 18±1.6 mg/dl.
The mean dose of PSL was reduced with statistically significance (pre-administration of HCQ:10.3±1.7 mg/day, 24 months after administration of HCQ:2.2±0.3 mg/day, p<0.0001 ). Furthermore, in this observation period, 6 patients could achieve the cessation of PSL.
SLEDAI was also significantly reduced (4.0±0.9 vs 1.0±0.3, p<0.01 ).
There was no statistical significance between before treatment by HCQ and after treatment in the titer of anti-DNA antibody (7.3±1.8 vs 2.8±1.6 IU/ml, p=0.06 ), WBC count (6208±4.9 vs 5096±3.3 /μl, p=0.06 ) and serum complement level (C3 85±4.3 mg/dl vs 89±4.0 mg/dl, p=0.52 , C4 18±1.6 mg/dl vs 19±1.4 mg/dl, p=0.45 ). Relapse of SLE was clarified in only one patient.
As for adverse events (AEs), Severe bacterial infection (n=4), herpes zoster (n=1) and patellar tendon rupture (n=1) were revealed. All cases of the AEs were fully recovered.
Conclusion: Our study suggested that co-treatment with HCQ on standard SLE therapy could be enable to prevent the flare of SLE and reduce the dose of PSL with statistical significance. In some cases, we could achieve the cessation of PSL treatment.
Disclosure of Interests: None declared