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OP0158-HPR (2020)
S. Fredslund-Andersen1, P. Lage-Hansen1, N. Svendsen1, M. Jeppesen Rechnagel1, U. Højberg1, N. J. Kock1, J. Krause Sørensen1, S. Chrysidis1
1Hospital of Southwest Jutland, University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg, Denmark

Background: Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is the most common inflammatory rheumatic disease of people over 50 years in Scandinavian countries and people of northern European descent, characterized by proximal pain, stiffness, raised inflammatory markers and prompt response to steroids(1). Relapse free during tapering off prednisone, are common in approximately 50% of patients. Studies reported that up to 70% of PMR patients are successfully tapered of prednisone due to remission, within 1-2 years from treatment initiation (1). Telemedicine has found a wider application in a number of chronic diseases resulting in a decreased number of hospital visits; however, no telemedicine studies on PMR patients have been performed before (2).

Objectives: To evaluate the use of telemedicine consultation in newly diagnosed PMR patients.

Methods: Telemedicine consultations managed by rheumatic nurses for newly diagnosed PMR patients was established in 2017 at our department. Patients diagnosed with PMR by a rheumatologist received written information concerning the nature of the disease, a “follow-up” schedule and a prednisone treatment/tapering plan. Telephone consultations (TC) including relevant blood analysis was planned after 4, 16, 52 and 78 weeks from the time of diagnosis. TC was managed by 4 nurses specialized in rheumatic diseases, who received appropriate education of PMR prior to the establishment. A predefined questionnaire was used for every telephone consultation.

All PMR patients were initially treated with 15 mg of prednisone daily, with slowly tapering to 5 mg daily at week 16 and reduced to zero at week 48. In the case of relapse symptoms, patients were instructed to contact the treating nurses. In that case, relevant biomarkers were taken and a rheumatologist evaluated the need for a physical consultation and potential treatment adjustment.

Only patients with minimum disease duration of 3 months were included in the study.

Results: In a period of two years, 76 patients were evaluated. The mean age was 73 years and the mean follow up period was 10, 67 ± standard deviation (SD) 5,2 months. At the time of diagnosis, all patients fulfilled the 2012 Classifications criteria for PMR (3). The Mean number of TC was 4.27(± SD 2, 3).

In 45 cases (60%) no additional physical consultation was necessary. In patients examined physically due to relapse suspicion, the most common findings were PMR relapses (66%), followed by non-inflammatory muscle and joint pain (18,5%), arthritis (14%), while one patient was diagnosed with giant cell arteritis.

Successfully prednisone tapering was achieved in 23 cases (30%) while 27 patients (35,5%) at the time of data evaluation were treated with only 2,5 mg of prednisone daily. The mean current daily prednisolone dosage was 3.95 mg (± SD 3.25) while disease-modifying-anti-rheumatic-drugs had been initiated in 6 patients.

Conclusion: Telemedicine consultations in PMR diminish the need for physical consultations in this patient cohort. More than half of all patients were either out of- or received only a very low dose of prednisone at the time of evaluation of data.


[1]Kermani TA, Warrington KJ. Polymyalgia rheumatica. Lancet. 2013 Jan 5;381(9860):63-72. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60680-1.

[2]Matteo Piga et al. Telemedicine for patients with rheumatic diseases: Systematic review and proposal for research agenda. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2017 Aug;47(1):121-128. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2017.03.014. Epub 2017 Mar 22.

[3]Dasgupta B, et al. 2012 Provisional classification criteria for polymyalgia rheumatica: A European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative. Arthritis Rheum. 2012; 64: 943-54.

Disclosure of Interests: None declared

Citation: Ann Rheum Dis, volume 79, supplement 1, year 2020, page 100
Session: Innovative care (Oral Presentations)