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THU0048 (2020)
M. Li1, T. Jinhui1, X. Fang1, Y. Ma1, X. Pan1, X. Dai1, X. Li1, Y. Wang2, X. Li1
1The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC, Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
2Centre for Transplantation and Renal Research, Westmead Institute for Medical Research, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Background: Previous studies[1] have shown that ATP acts on the sputum receptor P2X ligand-gated ion channel 7 (P2X7R) as a second signal to induce gouty arthritis.

Objectives: In this study, the functional changes of three SNP genotypes, Ala348 to Thr, Glu 496 to Ala and Arg307 to Gln, in P2X7R were analyzed with high uric acid.

Methods: After transfection of HEK-293T cells by lentivirus, observing the uptake ability of HEK-293T cells to ethidium bromide. The effect of three different mutants on the P2X7 receptor was thus observed on the P2X7 channel. In addition, THP-1 cells were also transfected, stable expression of a THP-1 cell line that has been transfected with a wild-type or different mutants and thus established. Then three types were set up separately, and each type was randomized into three groups: MSU(labeled M), MSU+ATP (labeled MA), and unstimulated control group (labeled C).Detection of IL-1β protein expression level in serum by ELISA and NLRP3, ASC and Caspase-1 mRNA levels in transfected THP-1 cells by qRT-PCR.

  1. 1. These three variants have different effects on the uptake function of ATP-induced ethidium + bromide in transfection of HEK-293T cells by lentivirus. Ala 348 to Thr increased P2X 7 -dependent ethidium + bromide uptake (145% of wild-type P2X 7 response, P<0.001). In contrast, Absent or very reduced P2X 7 function was found in Glu 496 to Ala and Arg 307 to Gln subjects, appeared to abolish P2X 7 -dependent dye uptake (38% and 32% of wild-type P2X 7 responses, P<0.001,), who were compared with wild-type.

  2. 2. Compared the IL-1β levels of the three variants with the wide-type and empty virus in THP-1 cells, the Ala 348 to Thr mutation significantly up-regulated the serum levels of IL-1β compared with the wide-type and empty virus in group MA with high uric acid (P=0.0007;P=0.013, respectively). Moreover, similar results have also been shown in IL-1β mRNA expressions (P=0.0334; P=0.0307, respectively). The Glu 496 to Ala and Arg 307 to Gln mutations down-regulated the serum levels of IL-1β compared with the wide-type in group MA (P=0.0189;P=0.0164, respectively).

  3. 3. NLRP3 mRNA was significantly increased in the Ala 348 to Thr mutation compared with the wide-type and empty virus in group MA (p =0.0003;P=0.0001, respectively). However, NLRP3 mRNA was significantly reduced in the Glu 496 to Ala and Arg 307 to Gln mutations compared with the wide-type in group MA (p =0.0294;P=0.0279, respectively).

  4. 4. Wild-type was signifcantly higher than empty virus in the ASC gene expression in group MA(P=0.0022). Morever, the Ala 348 to Thr mutation was higher than empty virus while Arg 307 to Gln mutation was lower than that in group MA (P=0.0138;P=0.0283, respectively).

  5. 5. Unlike NLRP3 gene expression, the data showed that the expression of caspase-1 mRNA in group C, M and MA all with no statistical significance, respectively (P>0.05).

Conclusion: Our data revealed that Ala 348 to Thr up-regulate the functional status of P2X7R and Glu 496 to Ala and Gln 460 to Arg down-regulate the functional status of P2X7R, which resulted in a significant increase or decrease in IL-1β and NLRP3 expression levels with high uric acid.


[1]Tao JH, Zhang Y, Li XP, et al. P2X7R: a potential key regulator of acute gouty arthritis[J].Semin Arthritis Rheum, 2013,43(3):376–380.

Disclosure of Interests: None declared

Citation: Ann Rheum Dis, volume 79, supplement 1, year 2020, page 232
Session: Adaptive immunity (T cells and B cells) in rheumatic diseases (Poster Presentations)