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AB0561 (2021)
S. S. Koca1, Y. Pehlivan2, S. Akar3, S. Şenel4, H. Karadeniz5, O. Sosyal6, A. Yazici7, S. Yilmaz8, R. Piskin Sagir1, N. Inanc9, A. Karatas1, G. Yildirim Cetin10, F. Onen11, on behalf of TURKBIO Study Group
1Firat University School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Elazig, Turkey
2Uludağ University, School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Bursa, Turkey
3Katip Çelebi University, School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Izmir, Turkey
4Erciyes University School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Kayseri, Turkey
5Gazi University School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Ankara, Turkey
6Celal Bayar University School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Manisa, Turkey
7Kocaeli University School of MEdicine, Department of Rheumatology, Kocaeli, Turkey
8Selcuk University School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Konya, Turkey
9Marmara University School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Istanbul, Turkey
10Kahramanmaraş Sutçu Imam University School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
119 Eylul University School of Medicine, Department of Rheumatology, Izmir, Turkey

Background: Several factors such as effectiveness, safety and compliance affect the drug survival in chronic disorders. Physicians take care of long-term retention rate and responses for discontinuation of candidate drug. Identification of predictors of clinical response to certolizumab-pegol (CZP) may aid the decision-making process for treating patients psoriatic arthritis (PsA).

Objectives: The purpose of this study to assess the drug survival of certolizumab pegol (CZP) in patients with PsA and to identify the predictors and reasons for discontinuation.

Methods: Data on patient characteristics, demographics, diagnosis, disease duration, treatment and outcomes have been collected since 2011 in Turkish Biologic (TURKBIO) Registry. By the end of December 2020, 68 PsA patients received CZP and were included. Kaplan Meier plot was used for drug survival analysis. Cox regression analysis was performed to evaluate the predictors associated with drug survival.

Results: During the median 47 months follow-up, 17 patients discontinued the CZP treatment. The reasons for discontinuation were ineffectivity (35.3%), adverse event (17.6%) and pregnancy (5.9%). The baseline characteristics of the patients who continued and discontinued CZP were shown in the Table 1 . Patients who discontinued CZP had higher mean age and disease duration. HLA-B27 positive patients had lower retention rate while bDMARD naive patients had higher retention rate. At the month 36, retention rate of CZP was 61.6% on patients with PsA ( Figure 1 ).

Conclusion: Real life experience from this nationwide TURKBIO registry show that the retention rate of CZP in PsA are lower in older patients and with longer disease duration. Moreover, bDMARD naive patients have higher retention rate.

Drug survival of CZP in patients with PsA

Baseline characteristics of PsA patients who continue and discontinue CZP

All Patients (n=68 ) Continue to CZP (n=51 ) Discontinue to CZP (n=17 ) p
Females, n (% ) 52 (76,5) 37 (72,5) 15 (88,2) 0,322
Age, years 44 (36-57 ) 40 (35-53 ) 51 (42-60 ) 0,012
Disease Duration, years 9 (5-13 ) 8 (5-12 ) 14 (10,5-17 ) 0,002
Symptom duration, years 11 (7-16 ) 10 (7-15 ) 15,5 (11,5-20 ) 0,014
Order of CZP in bDMARDs 1 (1-2) 1 (1-2) 2 (1-2) 0,062
HLA-B27, n (% ) 9 (28,1 ) 3 (14,3 ) 6 (54,5 ) 0,035
ESR, mm/h 23,5 (11-37) 23 (9-35) 24 (17-52) 0,246
Swollen Joint Counts, n 0 (0-2) 0 (0-2) 1 (0-2) 0,480
Tender Joint Counts, n 2 (0-4) 1 (0-4) 2 (1-5) 0,143
CRP, mg/dl 4 (3-13,65) 3,14 (3-13) 5 (3-19) 0,107
HAQ 0,63 (0,25-1) 0,63 (0,25-1) 0,75 (0,63-0,94) 0,097
VAS-Physicians 20 (12-31,5) 20 (12-26) 30 (15-50) 0,074
VAS-Patient Global 50 (27-70) 50 (20-70) 61,5 (46,5-70) 0,342
VAS-Patient Pain 53 (28-75) 50 (20-75) 69 (49,5-75) 0,122
DAS-28-CRP 3,35 (2,2-3,9) 2,85 (2-3,8) 3,6 (2,9-4,4) 0,086
BASFI 15 (8-27) 14 (5-26) 23,5 (12-30,5) 0,133
BASDAI 28 (16-40) 27,5 (14-36) 39 (22,5-41,5) 0,060
ASDAS 2,7 (1,9-3,2) 2,6 (1,9-3,1) 3 (2,35-3,4) 0,122
DAPSA-28 15,35 (7,2-21,9) 14,9 (6,1-21,17) 18,9 (14,15-29,3) 0,108

Disclosure of Interests: None declared.

Citation: Ann Rheum Dis, volume 80, supplement 1, year 2021, page 1317
Session: Psoriatic arthritis – treatment (Publication Only)