Background: Osteoarthritis of the knee (knee OA) decreases mobility of the elderly, which function could be significantly improved with artificial joint replacement in many cases. Successful results of the surgery depend on several factors including preoperative muscle strength of lower limbs.
Objectives: We assessed morbidity and skeletal muscle mass and strength in patients with knee OA immediately before undergoing arthroplasty and investigated the relationship between impairment of mobility and skeletal muscle function.
Methods: All patients scheduled to undergo knee arthroplasty at our hospital after July 2020 were assessed for basic attributes, clinical assessment, blood tests, radiography, whole-body mode DXA, knee muscle strength by dynamometer with written consent (UMIN ID: 000040940). And Japanese Cardiovascular Health Study criteria for frailty, and sarcopenia by Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia 2019 criteria were evaluated.
Results: Among 46 patients (40 women, mean age 75.4 years) the overall distribution in frailty is no: 15.9%, pre-frailty: 56.8%, and frailty: 27.3%. That in sarcopenia is no: 91.3%, yes: 2.2%, and severe: 4.3%. Ninety-one % of the patients with frailty did not suffer from sarcopenia. Between the patients with frailty and those without frailty there was a significant difference in walking speed (0.71±0.29m/sec, 1.12±0.29m/sec; p=0.004 adjusted by age and sex). Meanwhile, between those 2 groups of patients no significant differences were observed in skeletal muscle mass (6.40±0.87 kg/m 2 , 6.59±1.09 kg/m 2 ; p=0.35) and knee extension power (120.4±37.4 N, 143.7±67.9 N; p=0.88) adjusted by age and sex. Together with these results, decrease in lower limb motor functions of the patients with knee OA was not caused by sarcopenia. In other words, improvement of mobility in the patients with knee OA could be expected by surgical intervention because of pain relief and ROM improvement.
Conclusion: In the patients with knee OA immediately before arthroplasty, frailty was not caused by sarcopenia.
Disclosure of Interests: None declared.