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AB0689 (2021)
V. Martire1, C. Airoldi2, M. S. Gálvez Elkin3, M. Machado Escobar4, N. Callahuara5, V. Duarte6, J. Alcivar Navarrete7, E. Buschiazzo8, E. Saturansky9, M. J. Gamba10, P. Girard Bosch1, D. Zelaya11, R. Garcia Salinas12, M. A. Medina13, M. Cosatti14, S. Scarafia15, M. L. Acosta Felquer16, V. Cosentino11, F. Sommerfleck17, R. Luis11, G. P. Pendon18, R. Águila Maldonado19, S. Nasi20, R. Nieto2, L. Abbas21, D. Vila22, E. Kerzberg11, M. Benegas17, on behalf of Grupo de estudios de la Sociedad Argentina de Reumatología de Espondiloartritis axial y Artritis reactiva (GESAR EspAax-ARe)
1Instituto Médico Platense, Rheumatology, La Plata, Argentina
2Hospital Provincial, Rheumatology, Rosario, Argentina
3Instituto Cardiológico, Rheumatology, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
4Hospital Eva Perón, Rheumatology, Tucumán, Argentina
5Hospital Rivadavia, Rheumatology, La Plata, Argentina
6Clínica Monte Grande, Rheumatology, La Plata, Argentina
7Hospital Tornú, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
8Hospital del Milagro, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
9Sanatorio Mendez, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
10Hospital Posadas, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
11Hospital Ramos Mejía, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
12Hospital Italiano de La Plata, Rheumatology, La Plata, Argentina
13Hospital Tornú, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
14CEMIC, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
15Hospital Municipal San Cayetano, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
16Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Rheumatology, La Plata, Argentina
17Sanatorio Mendez, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
18Hospital Gutierrez, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
19Hospital San Martín, Rheumatology, La Plata, Argentina
20Hospital El Carmen, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
21PSORIAHUE, Rheumatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina
22Hospital Virgen del Carmen de Zárate, Rheumatology, Zárate, Argentina

Background: There are limited data worldwide on the behavior of SARSCOV2 in patients with Spondyloarthritis (SpA).

Objectives: To describe the incidence and severity of COVID-19 disease in patients with SpA in Argentina.

Methods: Patients with axial spondyloarthritis (AxSpA) radiological (EA) and non-radiological (AxSpA-nr) and peripheral spondyloarthritis (according to ASAS criteria) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) (according to CASPAR criteria) were included. Sociodemographic data, comorbidities, disease activity and treatments were collected at baseline. The patients were followed up by phone or in person monthly. Data were collected from 1/4/2020 to 9/20/2020. Descriptive statistics were performed with mean and standard deviation (SD) and median and quartile 25-75 according to distribution, and the cumulative incidence (AI) of the disease was calculated.

Results: 320 patients were included, of which 55% were male, with a mean age of 50 SD 13, 21.6% had a diagnosis of AS, 6.9% SpAax-nr, 6.9% SpAp, and 64.7% PsA, BASDAI 3.65 (3), BASFI 3 (1.5-9), PASI 0.3 (0-7), BSA 0.2 (0-6). Fourteen patients with a diagnosis of COVID-19 (4.4%) were reported, of which 10 diagnoses were by positive PCR and 4 by positive symptoms and close contact. 93% (13) of the cases were patients from the Province of Buenos and CABA and 1 patient from Santiago del Estero. The total IA for the country was 0.04. Of the 14 patients with COVID-19, 7 (50%) were men, 4 had a diagnosis of AS, 1 of SpAax-nr, 9 (64.3%) PsA. 100% live in urban areas, 2 (14%) have hypertension, 1 (7%) DBT, 1 (7%) COPD, 2 (14%) depression or anxiety, 11(97%) had received influenza vaccine 2020, 13 (93%), Antineumoccic 23, 14 (100%) Antineumoccic 13. Regarding the treatments: 4 (28.6%) were in treatment with anti TNF (3 with Adalimumab, 1 with certolizumab pegol), 4 (28.6%) with Anti IL17 (3 with Secukinumab, 1 with Ixekizumab), 8 (57%) with methotrexate and 2 (14%) with Leflunomide. Place of follow-up of the disease: 10 (71.4%) at home, 3 (21.4%) in the common room and 1 (7) in the intensive care unit. Treatments received for COVID-19: 1 (7%) antiretroviral, 1 (7%) antibiotic and 1 (7%) steroids. None of the patients died from COVID-19.

Conclusion: An incidence of 4.4% of COVID-19 was found in this population with SpA and most of the patiend had mild symptoms and no deaths were reported.

Disclosure of Interests: Victoria Martire: None declared, Carla Airoldi: None declared, María Soledad Gálvez Elkin: None declared, MAXIMILIANO MACHADO ESCOBAR: None declared, Noel Callahuara: None declared, Vanesa Duarte Employee of: Novartis, José Alcivar Navarrete: None declared, Emilio Buschiazzo: None declared, Etel Saturansky: None declared, María Julieta Gamba: None declared, Paula Girard Bosch: None declared, David Zelaya: None declared, Rodrigo Garcia Salinas: None declared, María Alejandra Medina: None declared, Micaela Cosatti Employee of: Jannsen, SANTIAGO SCARAFIA: None declared, Maria Laura Acosta Felquer: None declared, Vanesa Cosentino: None declared, Fernando Sommerfleck: None declared, Ramiro Luis: None declared, Gisela Paola Pendon: None declared, Rodrigo Águila Maldonado: None declared, Silvina Nasi: None declared, Romina Nieto: None declared, Leila Abbas: None declared, Diego Vila: None declared, Eduardo Kerzberg: None declared, Mariana Benegas: None declared

Citation: Ann Rheum Dis, volume 80, supplement 1, year 2021, page 1377
Session: COVID-19 (Publication Only)