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OP0068 (2021)
A. Mekinian1, L. Biard2, L. Dagna3, P. Jégo4, C. Salvarani5, M. Sergey6, O. Espitia1, S. Sciascia7, P. Hernan8, P. Cacoub1, O. Fain1, D. Saadoun9, on behalf of TAK FRENCH GROUP
1Saint Antoine, Internal Medicine, Paris, France
2Saint Antoine, SDF, Paris, France
3Saint Antoine, QF, Paris, Italy
4Saint Antoine, SFD, Paris, France
5Saint Antoine, Internal Medicine, Itale, Italy
6Saint Antoine, Internal Medicine, Moscou, Russian Federation
7Saint Antoine, Internal Medicine, Paris, Italy
8Saint Antoine, Internal Medicine, Paris, Spain
9Pitie, Internal Medicine, Paris, France

Background: In this large worldwide TAK registry, we report 209 patients treated with TNF-α antagonists and tocilizumab aiming to compare their safety and efficacy, and determine the predictive factors of treatment response and relapse.

Objectives: To assess safety and efficacy of TNF-α antagonists and tocilizumab in patients with Takayasu arteritis (TAK).

Methods: We conducted a retrospective multicenter study in referral centers from France, Italy, Spain, Israel, Japan, Tunisia and Russia about biological-targeted therapies in TAK during the period from January 2017 to September 2019 for the data collection.

Results: Two-hundred nine patients with TAK [median age of 29 years [7-62], and 186 (89%) females] were included. They received either TNF-α antagonists [n=132 (63%) with 172 lines; infliximab (n=109), adalimumab (n=45), golimumab (n=8), certolizumab (n=6) and etanercept (n=5)], or tocilizumab [n=77 (37%) with 121 lines; intravenous and subcutaneous in 95 and 26 cases, respectively]. A complete response at 6 months was evidenced in 101/152 (66%) on TNF-α antagonists and 75/107 (70%) on tocilizumab, respectively. Age ≥ 30 years [OR= 2.09 [1.09; 3.99]] was associated with complete response, whereas vascular signs [0.26 [0.1;0.65]], baseline prednisone ≥ 20 mg/day [0.51 [0.28;0.93]] were negatively associated with the complete response to TNF-α antagonists or tocilizumab. During a median follow-up of 36 months, 103 relapses were noted. Supra-aortic branches and thoracic aorta involvements [HR 2.44 (1.06;5.65) and 3.66 (1.18;11.4), respectively], and systemic signs at baseline [HR 2.01 (1.30;3.11)] were significantly associated with relapse. The cumulative incidence of treatment discontinuation and relapse were similar in TNFα antagonists and tocilizumab. Fifty-eight (20%) adverse effects occurred on biological-targeted therapies of whom 37 (21%) and 21 (17%), (p=0.4) on TNF-α antagonists and tocilizumab, respectively

Conclusion: This large multicenter study shows high efficacy of biological-targeted treatments in refractory TAK. Efficacy, relapse and drug retention rate were equivalent with TNF-α antagonists and tocilizumab.

Disclosure of Interests: None declared

Citation: Ann Rheum Dis, volume 80, supplement 1, year 2021, page 37
Session: Vasculitis - II (Oral Presentations)