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POS0066-PARE (2021)
V. Vasileva1, M. Eryomushkin1, L. Marchenkova1
1National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology, National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology, Moscow, Russian Federation

Background: exercise is one of the main factors for the successful treatment of obesity. It is known that with increasing age, muscle strength (sarcopenic obesity) decreases in an obese patient, which can lead to early disability and an increased risk of falls. Regular exercise therapy increases the functional capacity of the cardiovascular system, prevention of obesity among the population, as well as treatment for persons with sarcopenia and obesity. Therefore, it is relevant to study muscle function in obese patients while using kinesiotherapy.

Objectives: was to estimate the affect of complex 3-week treatment with 4 kinesiotherapy methods on body weight loss and muscle function in patients with obesity.

Methods: 80 men and women aged 21-69 years old with alimentary obesity were enrolled in the study (mean age 52.4±11 years, weight 111.3±24.5 kg, BMI 40.3±8.1 kg/m2, waist circumstance WC 113.4±16 cm, hip circumstance HC 124.2±16 cm). The complex kinesiotherapy administered daily for 3 week and included interactive sensorimotor trainings on double unstable platform, kinesiohydrotherapy in a pool, special complex of physical exercises in a gym and ergocycle trainings. Weight, WC, HC, fall number for last 3 weeks were measured at baseline and after the treatment was completed. Muscle strength and walking speed functional tests results assessment (10-meters-walk test, Up-and-go test, 4 special tests for back and abdomen muscle endurance to static and dynamic loading) were performed at baseline and in 3 weeks.

Results: there was a significant reduction in body weight (111.3±24.4 kg at baseline vs 107.9±23.1 kg in 3 weeks; р=0,000), in BMI (40.3±8.1 vs 39.1±7.7 kg/m 2 ; р=0.000), in WC (113.4±15.9 vs 109.2±15.1 сm; р=0.000) and in HC (124.1±15.5 vs 119.7±14.1 сm; р=0.000) in treated obese patients. 10-meters-walk speed increased from 0.84±0.15 m/sec at baseline to 0.88±0.17 m/sec in 3 weeks (р=0.000). Up-and-go test results improved from 8.4±2.1 to 7.9±2.09 sec (р=0.000). We registered statistically significant elevation of the endurance to static loading in abdomen muscles from 13.1±9.7 to 16.49±12.8 sec (р=0.000) and in back muscles from 14.8±11.9 sec to 18.6±14.9 sec (р=0.000). The endurance to dynamic loading increased in abdomen muscles from 29.9±11.2 to 34.84±11.93 times (р=0.000) and also in back muscles from 9.1±7.4 to 12.2±9.2 times (р=0.000). Fall namber markably decreased from 0.14 ±0.34 at baseline to 0.0 (95%CI: 0.02; 0.25) after completion of treatment.

Conclusion: investigated complex treatment with 4 kinesiotherapy methods promotes body weight loss, WC and HC reduction in obesity. 3-week special training of obese patients is associated with increasing in gate speed and lower extremities muscle strength, and it also causes improvement in static and dynamic loading endurance of back and abdomen muscles. Those changes may probably improve balance function and decrease risk of falling in obese patients.


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Disclosure of Interests: None declared.

Citation: Ann Rheum Dis, volume 80, supplement 1, year 2021, page 239
Session: PARE Poster Tour (Poster Tours)