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POS1282 (2021)
V. Vasileva1, L. Marchenkova2, V. Sergeev2
1National Medical Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology, Department of Somatic Rehabilitation, Reproductive Health and Active Longevity, Moscow, Russian Federation
1National Medical Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology, Department of Somatic Rehabilitation, Reproductive Health and Active Longevity, Moscow, Russian Federation

Background: With new technologies for body composition assessment determining changes learn, muscle and fat mass. Prevention of sarcopenic obesity is timely detection of decrease.

Objectives: Aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of three methods of body composition assessment such as bioimpedans analysis (BIA), air-replacement bodyplatismography (BodPod) and Dual X-ray absorptiometry Total body program (DXA Total Body) in the verification of reducing of skeletal muscle mass as sign of sarcopenic obesity in obese patients.

Methods: The study group included 95 patients aged 21-69 y.o. (average age 53,9±11,05 years) with BMI≥30.0 kg/m2. The control group included 37 patients aged 37-69 y.o (average age 50,73±10,6 years) of the same age without obesity with BMI 20.0-29.9 kg/m2. Body composition was tested using BIA, BodPod and DXA with calculating fat, lean and skeletal muscles mass (kg) and % in all the patients.

Results: According to BIA the groups differ only in fat mass (FM) 42.75 (4.8;6.3) vs. 33.15 (28.4;35.5) kg; p=0.036 and did not differ (p>0.05) in lean (LM), skeletal muscle mass (SMM) and in % of FM and SMM. According to BodPod analyses groups differed in the FM 3.4 [36.81;69.94] vs 31.02 [23.22;38] kg, p=0.007, % FM 45.4 [42.1;53.8] vs 37.7 [28.6;41.1], p=0.003 and % LM - 54.6 [46.2;57.9] vs 62.3 [58.9;71.4], p=0.003, but had statistically equivalent values of LM 55 [49.48;67.77] vs 40.36 [33.12;49.06] kg, p=0.19. According to DXA Total Body analyses statistically significant differences (p<0.05) have been identified between the groups in FM and % FM of the hands, feet, trunk, total body (p>0.05), but not in LM and % LM (p>0.05) ( Table 1 ).

Effectiveness of three methods for body composition assessment

Weight (kg) 106 [96;122] 80 [77;81] 0.00251
BMI (kg/m2) 37.6 [104;124] 26.8 [24;30] 0.000000
Bod Pod
% fat mass 45.4 [42.1;53.8] 37.7 [28.6;41.1] 0.003424
% lean mass 54.6 [46.2;57.9] 62.3 [58.9;71.4] 0.003424
fat mass (kg) 43.4 [36.81;69.935] 31.016 [23.223;38.004] 0.006836
lean mass (kg) 55.002 [49.48;67.77] 40.359 [33.122;49.058] 0.185377
fat mass (kg) 42.75 [4.8;6.3] 33.150 [28.4;35.5] 0.035771
lean mass (kg) 59.5 [53.95;71.05] 54.850 [49.9;62.6] 0.458312
skeletal muscle mass (kg) 27.9 [23.9;33.2] 25.6 [22;29.3] 0.701678
skeletal muscle mass (%) 45.3 [43.3;47.7] 47.1 [42.3;48.1] 0.415687
DXA Total Body
total body lean mass (g) 97276 [86062; 109154] 62628 [57839; 85068] 0.602523
total body fat mass (g) 47030 [39300; 56729] 25652 [22164; 36396] 0.009796
total body muscle mass (g) 49861 [42793; 57088] 36426 [32273; 43341] 0.973711

Conclusion: From methods of body composition assessment, air-replacement bodyplatismography (BodPod) is the most sensitive in the verification of skeletal muscle mass reduction in obese patients. This method shows that patients with obesity have a significantly reduced muscle mass compared with normal weight or overweight subjects.


[1]L. A. Marchenkova, V. A. Vasileva, Motor and balance function disorders and possibilities of their correction in patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome // Lechashchiy vrach. 2019. № 4. S. 68.

[2]P. Corbeil, M. Simoheau, D. Rancourt, A. Tremblay, N. Teasdale, Increased risk for falling associated with obesity: mathematical modeling of postural control // IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rechabilitation Enqineering. 2001; 9 (2): 126-136.

Disclosure of Interests: None declared

Citation: Ann Rheum Dis, volume 80, supplement 1, year 2021, page 924
Session: Spine, mechanical musculoskeletal problems, local soft tissue disorders (POSTERS only)