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AB1511 (2022)
C. R. Ng1, C. E. Goh1
1Hospital Sultan Ismail, Rheumatology Unit, Department of Medicine, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Background: Numerous immune-mediated diseases flare or new disease onset after SARS-CoV2-vaccination have been reported. There were case reports showed the immune-mediated disease flare post vaccination but study on new disease occurs post Covid-19 vaccination is still lacking.

Objectives: To describe two SLE cases that diagnosed post Covid-19 vaccination.

Methods: Case report

Results: 14 years old girl, post Covid-19 vaccination 1 st dose 3 weeks ago presented with 2 day history of giddiness, breathlessness, vomiting and diarrhea prior to admission. She also complained of frothy urine for the past 1 week associated with lower limbs swelling and facial puffiness. Clinical examination noted she had sparse hair, oral ulcers and discoid lupus at the ear concha. She also noted to have periorbital puffiness with pedal edema. Lung auscultation noted bi-basal crepitations.

Blood investigation noted ANA positive (1:640, speckled) with low complement 3 (0.1g/L). Her full blood count showed leucopenia (3100 UL) with low lymphocyte count of 810UL. UFEME noted protein of 3 + and red blood cell of 2+ with normal renal profile. Her serum albumin was 22g/L. Chest x ray showed clear lung field with no cardiomegaly. Her 24-hour urine protein showed proteinuria of 2.345g/dl and her renal biopsy showed mesangial proliferative lupus nephritis class ii.

She was given intravenous methylprednisolone 500mg OD for 3 days and discharged with tapering dose of prednisolone, hydroxychloroquine, calcium supplements, perindopril and frusemide.

Another case was a 17 year-old female, post covid-19 vaccination 10 weeks, presented with 3 weeks history of bilateral lower limbs weakness with difficulty in getting up from chair. She also had fever on and off with cough for 1 week. There was no alopecia, oral ulcer, facial rash or photosensitivity. No joints pain. Clinical examination noted presence of proximal myopathy with stable vital signs. Other systemic examinations were unremarkable.

Blood investigation noted ANA positive (1: 640, homogenous and speckled) with low complements level (C3 0.19g/L and C4 0.049 g/L).Her creatine kinase was 2367U/L and EMG showed evidence of irritable myopathic process which is consistent with inflammatory myositis. Her TFT was normal. Myositis panel showed anti-Ku and anti-Ro 52 were positive. She was treated as SLE with myositis and intravenous methylprednisolone was given. She discharge well with tapering dose of prednisolone and azathioprine. Her creatine kinase showed improvement with immunosuppression therapy and she was advised on intensive physiotherapy.

Conclusion: The onset of these two SLE cases were occurred within the 2 month of post covid-19 vaccination. Whether Covid-19 vaccination direct contribute to the occurrence of SLE remained inconclusive. More studies are required to show its correlation between onset of SLE and Covid-19 vaccination.



Disclosure of Interests: None declared

Citation: , volume 81, supplement 1, year 2022, page 1858
Session: Educational cases (Publication Only)