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POS0658 (2022)
M. Trenec1, B. Chretien2, N. M. Silva1, C. Dolladille2, J. Alexandre2, A. Dumont1, A. Nguyen1, H. De Boysson1, A. Aouba1, S. Deshayes1
1University of Caen Normandie Hospital Center, Internal Medicine, Caen, France
2University of Caen Normandie Hospital Center, Pharmacology, Caen, France

Background: Development of Tumor Necrosis Factor blockers (TNFb) whose drug class has several mechanistic and pharmacologic sub-classes, have improved the management of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, including sarcoidosis. With their increasing use, paradoxical reactions are described and one of the most frequent is sarcoidosis. However, the description of TNFb-induced sarcoidosis (TIS) remains poor, because reported in few and only short case-series.

Objectives: We aimed to better describe the clinical spectrum of TIS, and the differential involvement of TNFb sub-classes.

Methods: French pharmacovigilance database was used to collect data on TIS, excluding patients with previous idiopathic sarcoidosis. Statistical analyses were performed using the Mann-Whitney test for quantitative data and Fisher test for qualitative data. A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: Data were obtained from 2002 to 2019 for infliximab, adalimumab, golimumab, certolizumab and etanercept. Thirty-one TIS patients were collected from the database, including 12 women (38.7%). In most cases, TNFb was introduced for ankylosing spondylitis (58%), psoriasis (19.3%) or rheumatoid arthritis (16.1%). Median age at TIS occurrence was 54 [43.5; 61.5] years, with a median time to onset of 24 [6.0; 72.0] months. The most frequent involved TNFb was etanercept (n=21, 67.8%). The two mains clinical TIS manifestations were lymph node (n=27, 87.1%) and lung involvement (n=16, 51.6%). The culprit drug was discontinued in 26 (84%) patients, and a double-barreled inflammatory gun to control both initial and induced disorders was proposed in 19 of them (90.5 %), mostly glucocorticoids (n=13, 68.4%) alone or combined with methotrexate (n=3, 15,8%). Among the 14 patients with the available data, the TIS had completely resolved in 11 (78.6%); for all these lasts, the TNFb was discontinued. No significant differences were observed between the TNFb sub-classes of monoclonal antibodies or fusion proteins, regarding clinical presentation, median time to onset or outcome.

Conclusion: This second largest case-series shows that TIS are mostly encountered with etanercept, but without any difference in clinical or prognostic implications with the other TNFb-subclasses.


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Disclosure of Interests: None declared

Citation: , volume 81, supplement 1, year 2022, page 601
Session: Rheumatoid arthritis - biological DMARDs (POSTERS only)