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POS1262 (2022)
I. Gaydukova1,2, V. Mazurov1,2, O. Inamova1,2, E. Gaydukova3
1North-Western State Medical University n.a.II Mechnikov, Department of Therapy, Rheumatology, Examination of Temporary Disability and Quality of Medical Care named after E.E.Eichwald, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
2Clinical Rheumatological Hospital #25, Department of Rheumatology, St Petersburg, Russian Federation
3Sorbonne University, Department of Informatics, Paris, France

Background: Decrease of COVID-19-associated morbidity and mortality among patients with rheumatic diseases (RD) is one of the main goals of current rheumatology. Vaccination may be one way to limit the incidence of COVID-19 in population of patients with RD.

Objectives: The goal of this work was to evaluate the results of vaccination in patients with RD against the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 bases on the data from real clinical practice.

Methods: We analyzed data from the St. Petersburg register of patients with RD till September 1, 2021 (totally 16,263 patients, vaccinated 2,134 patients). The data from the register were compared with population data of morbidity and mortality associated with new coronavirus infection in Russia (data from Russian Federations’ Ministry of Health). Statistics was performed with SPSS2022.

Results: The rates of COVID-19 associated morbidity and mortality in rheumatological patients were comparable with morbidity and mortality in total Russian population (morbidity 26.2% and 28.5%, mortality 3.47% and 2.8%, respectively, p≥0.05).

Patients with RD demonstrate three times less frequency of vaccination against COVID-19 (13.2% of patients versus 31.8% in the population, respectively). Vaccination was prescribed by rheumatologists in 8.2% of cases, 75% of patients are self-vaccinated or were vaccinated by their general practicians.

An analysis of data from 2,134 rheumatological patients vaccinated in 2021 with Gam-COVID-Vac (Sputnik V™) showed a decrease in the incidence of new coronavirus infection from 26.2% to 0.25% in the absence of deaths among the vaccinated (mortality rate from COVID-19 in non-vaccinated patients was 2,8%, p<0.0000). From 2,134 vaccinated patients 42 had manifestation of COVID-19 in 6 months after vaccination, 39 persons of them demonstrated symptoms of COVID-19 during the first month after receiving the first dose of vaccine.

There were no serious adverse reactions to vaccination among vaccinated rheumatological patients; in 12 % of cases, slight pyrogenic post-vaccination reactions, arthralgias and myalgias were established. 11 patients showed a prolonged slight pyrogenic reaction, myalgias, arthralgias, hypercreatinophosphataemia, which resolved within 3-6 months. Relapses of the underlying RD after vaccination were recorded by patients in 12% of cases, but rheumatologists classified the presented clinical symptoms as the RD worsening in 1.57% of cases, another reports of RD relapse were classified as postvaccination reactions, as they were resolved in 1-2 weeks with the use of standard tactics recommended by Association of Russian Rheumatologists.

Conclusion: The analysis of the data from 2,134 rheumatological patients vaccinated Gam-COVID-Vac (Sputnik V™) demonstrated the efficacy and safety of vaccination against COVID-19 in middle-time perspective. No serious post-vaccination reactions or severe worsening of rheumatic diseases were recorded.

Acknowledgements: I have no acknowledgements to declare.

Disclosure of Interests: Inna Gaydukova Speakers bureau: Novartis, Sandoz, Pfizer, Biocad, MSD, Dr Reddy’s, Lilly, Sanofy, not >10000 Euros per year

, Consultant of: Novartis, Pfizer, Biocad, MSD, Dr Reddy’s, Lilly, Sanofy, not >10000 Euros per year, Grant/research support from: Novartis, Sandoz, Pfizer, Biocad, MSD, Dr Reddy’s, not >10000 Euros per year, V Mazurov: None declared, Oxana Inamova: None declared, Ekaterina Gaydukova: None declared

Citation: , volume 81, supplement 1, year 2022, page 968
Session: COVID-19 (POSTERS only)