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AB1429 (2024)
Keywords: Glucocorticoids, Patient Reported Outcome Measures, Epidemiology, Quality of life, Digital health/Measuring health
K. W. Lim1, S. Janagan1, R. Bhogal2, S. Bridgewater3,4, C. Silverthorne4,5, P. Richards4, J. Dawson6, E. Dures3,4, C. Hill7,8,9, S. Goodman10, S. Mackie2,11, M. Ndosi3,4, J. C. Robson3,4
1Bristol Royal Infirmary, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Rheumatology, Bristol, United Kingdom
2Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds Biomedical Research Centre, Leeds, United Kingdom
3University of the West of England, College of Health, Science and Society, Bristol, United Kingdom
4University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Academic Rheumatology, Bristol, United Kingdom
5University of the West of England, Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences, Bristol, United Kingdom
6University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Population Health, Oxford, United Kingdom
7The University of Adelaide, Discipline of Medicine, Adelaide, Australia
8Royal Adelaide Hospital, Rheumatology Unit, Adelaide, Australia
9The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Department of Rheumatology, Adelaide, Australia
10Hospital for Special Surgery, Weill Cornell Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, New York, United States of America
11University of Leeds, Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine, Leeds, United Kingdom

Background: Glucocorticoids (GCs) play a pivotal role in the management of inflammatory rheumatic conditions but they can adversely impact on patients in different ways. Conversely, there are certain patient characteristics that may be correlated with a poorer health-related quality of life (HRQoL).

Objectives: The objective of this study was to identify socio-demographic and clinical factors associated with HRQoL in patients undertaking GCs for a rheumatic disease.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study using online survey methods. Participants taking GCs for a rheumatic disease from Australia/New Zealand (AU/NZ), United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA) were included. HRQoL was measured using the generic EuroQoL (EQ-5D-5L) converted into a linear EQ5D index value. Eight explanatory factors (age, sex, country, educational level, employment status, disease group, self-reported disease state, and dose of GCs) were tested for potential association with HRQoL using univariable and multivariable (hierarchical) analyses. Factors found to have a significant association with EQ5D index at a p <0.05 level in the multivariable model were considered independently associated with HRQoL.

Results: A total of 945 patients completed the EQ-5D-5L with no missing values: UK n=742 (79%), USA n=139 (15%), AU/NZ n=64 (7%); mean age was 57.6 (SD=13.6); 833 (88%) were women. Participants with self-reported active disease were 726 (77%). Those with inflammatory arthritis were 197 (21%), connective tissue disease and/or vasculitis were 402 (43%), giant cell arteritis and/or polymyalgia rheumatica were 346 (36%).

Mean (SD) EQ5D index was 0.64 (0.25); There were significant differences between groups in age (median split, t=-3.77, p <0.001); sex (t=3.40, p <0.01); educational level (F[3]=10.51, p <0.001); employment status (F[6]=37.67, p <0.001); disease group (T[2]=20.23, p <0.001); disease state (T=-8.46, p <0.001); and the dose of GCs (T=2.95, p <0.001). Worse HRQoL was associated with older age, being female, low educational attainment, being unemployed, having an inflammatory arthritis or a CTD, disease being active, and taking a higher dose of GCs. Five factors were identified as being independently associated with worse HRQoL: disease state (β=0.12, p <0.001), disease group (β=0.06, p <0.001), employment status (β =0.05, p <0.001), sex (β =0.05, p <0.001), and educational level (β =0.04, p <0.001).

EQ-5D-5L frequencies in the 3 disease categories, reported by dimensions dichotomised into no problem or any problems.

IA (n=197) (%) CTD/vasculitis (n=402) (%) GCA/PMR (n=346) (%) Chi-Square (p-value)
Mobility No problem 18 (9.2) 109 (27.1) 101 (29.2) 30.987 (<0.001)
Any problems 179 (90.9) 293 (72.9) 245 (70.8)
Self-care No problem 57 (28.9) 220 (54.7) 232 (67.1) 73.604 (<0.001)
Any problems 140 (71.1) 182 (45.3) 114 (32.9)
Activity No problem 17 (8.7) 59 (14.7) 65 (18.8) 10.234 (0.006)
Any problems 180 (91.4) 343 (85.3) 281 (81.2)
Pain/Discomfort No problem 6 (3.1) 48 (11.9) 27 (7.8) 13.833 (<0.001)
Any problems 191 (97.0) 353 (87.8) 319 (92.2)
Anxiety/Depression No problem 54 (27.4) 89 (22.1) 120 (34.7) 14.587 (<0.001)
Any problems 143 (72.6) 313 (77.9) 226 (65.3)

EQ-5D-5L proportions reported by dimensions dichotomised into no problem or any problems. Disease activity was patient‘s self-report of active or inactive disease.

Conclusion: We identified 5 factors which were independently associated with worse HRQoL in patients being treated with GCs. Over 80% of the variance was not explained by our model likely due to use of a generic HRQoL measure (EQ-5D-5L) as outcome, and the small number of explanatory factors tested within this survey. Further research is required to identify potential targets to support interventions.


Acknowledgements: NIL.

Disclosure of Interests: None declared.

DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2024-eular.3928
Keywords: Glucocorticoids, Patient Reported Outcome Measures, Epidemiology, Quality of life, Digital health/Measuring health
Citation: , volume 83, supplement 1, year 2024, page 2070
Session: Across diseases (Publication Only)