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AB1665-PARE (2024)
Keywords: Real-world evidence, Biosimilar Pharmaceuticals, Biological DMARD
S. Cheung1, F. Kudaeva1, P. Heidari1, D. Truong2
1Fresenius Kabi Canada, Medical Affairs, Toronto, Canada
2Fresenius Kabi Canada,, Medical Affairs, Toronto, Canada

Background: Drug persistence is often used as a surrogate marker for control of disease activities in rheumatologic diseases (RDs). Patient support program (PSP), KabiCare, plays one of the key roles in patient education for drug persistence.

Objectives: The objective of the project is to investigate drug persistence with adalimumab biosimilar, MSB11022, in RDs.

Methods: Patients diagnosed with RDs were enrolled in KabiCare and administered at least one dose of the adalimumab biosimilar, MSB11022, between February 2021 and September 2023, were included. The database tracked medication initiation and cessation dates, disease classifications (rheumatoid arthritis [RA], psoriatic arthritis [PsA], and ankylosing spondylitis [AS]), as well as patient treatment categorizations (classified as either treatment-naïve to biologics or having switched from other biologics). The stop date denoted the moment KabiCare was notified about the discontinuation of medication. Patients continuing their medication were recorded until the maximum follow-up date of analysis, which was September 12, 2022, after which they were censored. KM (Kaplan-Meier) plot comparisons using log-rank tests were conducted to assess potential differences in medication persistence among various RDs, and between the treatment-naïve group and the switch group based on disease categories.

Results: The study cohort included 2,882 patients, with 1,291 diagnosed with RA, 673 with PsA, and 918 with AS. Of these, 695 (53.8%) patients with RA, 268 (39.8%) with PsA, and 396 (43.1%) with AS were classified as treatment-naïve. KabiCare monitored patients for a median duration of 431 days (interquartile range: 176-618 days; maximum: 912 days). At 800 days (approximately 27 months) after the initiation of medication, there was a slight variance in the persistence probability among patients with RA, PsA, and AS (68.0%, 72.0%, and 71.5%, respectively; P=0.036). Comparatively, the persistence probability was notably higher in the switch group than in the naïve group across the three RDs groups (75.1% vs. 61.1%, P=0.0001 in RA; 73.7% vs. 69.3%, P=0.0034 in PsA; and 74.0% vs. 67.5%, P=0.0027 in AS).

Conclusion: The evidence suggests that drug persistence of adalimumab biosimilar, MSB11022, was high in both treatment-naïve to biologics, or switched from other biologics groups at 27 months.


Acknowledgements: NIL.

Disclosure of Interests: Sun Cheung Abbvie, Abbott, Fresenius Kabi Canada, Fatima Kudaeva Fresenius Kabi Canada, Pooneh Heidari Fresenius Kabi Canada,, Don Truong Fresenius Kabi Canada.

DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2024-eular.5499
Keywords: Real-world evidence, Biosimilar Pharmaceuticals, Biological DMARD
Citation: , volume 83, supplement 1, year 2024, page 2208
Session: Arthritis research (Publication Only)