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OP0154 (2024)
Keywords: Biomarkers, Cytokines and Chemokines, Adaptive immunity
Z. Zhou1,2, Z. Tan1, N. Xiang1, L. Wang1, X. Li1
1Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC, Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
2Department of Nephrology,The First Affiliated Hospital of USTC, Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China

Background: Primary Sjogren’s syndrome is one of the systemic autoimmune diseases. In recent years, studies have suggested that CD8 + T cells also play an important role in the pathogenesis of pSS, but the specific molecular mechanism by which CD8 + T cells cause exocrine gland damage is still unclear[1]. Therefore, in-depth study of the molecular regulatory mechanism of CD8 + T will help us clarify the specific role of CD8 + T cell subsets in the pathogenesis of pSS and find potential new targets for the treatment of pSS.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to: 1) detect the frequency of CD8 + T cells in peripheral blood, and screen and validate CD8 + T cell genes through transcriptome sequencing analysis; 2) Exploring the mechanism of CD8 + T cell cytotoxicity and mitochondrial dynamics disorders.

Methods: We obtained 11 human SG biopsy samples from pSS patients and 5 SG samples from non-SS control individuals who had sicca symptom but not meeting any of the classification criteria of pSS.The peripheral blood samples from 5 patients with pSS and 3 healthy controls were also collected and digested into single-cell suspensions, and subjected to scRNA-seq.Phenotypical analysis of CD8 + T cell in PBMCs from 37 pSS patients and 40 healthy donors (HD) was performed by flow cytometry.Isolating CD8 + T cells from PBMCs and observing their morphology under transmission electron microscopy.Transcriptional analysis of sorted CD8 + T cell from 6 pSS patients and 5 HD was performed by RNA-seq. Differential gene expression was validated using RT-PCR and WB. Additionally, primary CD8 + T cells cultured in vitro were used to detect their functional effects under activation or inhibition of TLR2.Simultaneously detect the morphology and function of mitochondria in primary CD8+T cells after cultivation.

Results: Here, We obtained a total of 79,596 immune cell transcriptomes by the integration of PBMCs and SG scRNA-seq data. Among these, cytotoxic CD8 + T cells significantly expand in peripheral blood of pSS. And we observed an increase in the proportion of CD8 + T cells in the blood of pSS patients, exhibiting cytotoxic effects (p<0.01) and enhanced inflammatory response(p<0.05). Besides the organelle damage was also observed in CD8 + T cells of pSS patients by TEM. The transcriptome sequencing results identified 9 key genes through the bioinformatics algorithm, among which TLR2 was found to have the most significant expression difference (p<0.001) by RT-PCR. During in vitro culture of CD8 + T cells, activation of TLR2 expression significantly promoted the cytotoxicity and inflammatory response of CD8 + T cells (p<0.05). Specially mitochondria observed with partial or complete loss of cristae and increase significantly in autophagosomes was observed under transmission electron microscopy (p<0.01).The seahorse experiment confirmed that TLR2 affects both basal and maximal oxidative mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in CD8 + T cell. JC-1 results showed impaired mitochondrial membrane potential, and WB detected a significant increase in the expression of mitochondrial autophagy proteins PINK1 and Parkin.These findings suggest that mitophagy in CD8 + T cells is associated with their cytotoxic effects.

Conclusion: In summary, our research results demonstrate the TLR2 promotes cytotoxicity and inflammatory response of CD8 + T cells by activating mitophagy, which further leads to the pathogenic role of CD8 + T cells in pSS.Our research provides new potential therapeutic targets for pSS.

REFERENCES: [1] Gao CY, Yao Y, Li L, et al. Tissue-Resident Memory CD8 + T Cells Acting as Mediators of Salivary Gland Damage in a Murine Model of Sjögren’s Syndrome. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2019;71(1):121-132.

TLR2 promotes cytotoxicity and inflammatory response of CD8 + T cells by activating mitophagy in primary Sjogren’s syndrome.(A)scRNA-seq and RNA-Seq results of peripheral blood CD8 + T cells; (B)Flow cytometry verification of differential expression of TLR2 in peripheral blood CD8 + T cells; (C)Observation of the effects of TLR2 inhibitors and ligands on the mitochondrial structure of CD8 + T cells under transmission electron microscopy.

Acknowledgements: NIL.

Disclosure of Interests: None declared.

DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2024-eular.3315
Keywords: Biomarkers, Cytokines and Chemokines, Adaptive immunity
Citation: , volume 83, supplement 1, year 2024, page 41
Session: Basic Abstract Sessions: New pathways in Sjön's disease (Oral Abstract Presentations)