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POS0133 (2024)
Keywords: Comorbidities, Cardiovascular diseases, Atherosclerosis
C. Ciurtin1, J. Peng1, Y. Gao1, M. Niwa1, S. Ardoin2, L. Schanberg3, L. Lewandowski4, E. Jury1, G. Robinson1
1University College London, London, United Kingdom
2Nationwide Children Hospital, Ohio, United States of America
3Duke University, Durham, United States of America
4NIAMS, NIH, Bethesda, United States of America

Background: Childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE) is associated with increased cardiovascular disease (CVD)-risk starting early in life. This led to 4% of children and young people (CYP) with cSLE experiencing CVD-events after 4 years[1] and 10.6% after 15 years[2] of follow-up.

Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) is one of the best predictors of CVD-risk across the life span. CVD-risk assessment guidelines recommend the evaluation of various traditional CVD-risk factors and use of CVD-risk scores (rather than vascular scans) for stratified management approaches[3].

Objectives: This is the first global (UK/US) cSLE study investigating the comparative performance of four validated CVD-risk scores.

Methods: Patient data, CVD-risk factors, cSLE characteristics were collected from two cSLE cohorts: a retrospective UCL (University College London) (N=109, UK) and a prospective APPLE ( A therosclerosis P revention in P ediatric L upus E rythematosus) trial (N=121, US) cohort, stratified based on cross-validated metabolomic signatures of high CIMT progression, as previously published by our group[4,5]. QRISK-3, Framingham (FRS), Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) scores (validated for age 20-25) and the Pathobiological Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth (PDAY) score (validated from age ≥ 14) were calculated and assessed for performance against robust CVD-risk stratification in both cohorts. We used descriptive statistics, area under the curve (AUC), correlation and linear regression analyses.

Results: Mean patient age/disease duration for the UCL/APPLE cohorts were 26 ± 4.18 years/13.5± 4.71 years, and 15.60 ± 2.67 years/2.46± 2.44 years, respectively (P<0.001). CYP with cSLE in both cohorts have been stratified based on individual CVD-risk score validated cut-offs (Table 1).

cSLE patient cohorts stratified based on cross-validated metabolomic signatures of CIMT progression The UCL cohort was stratified as: 29.2% low 48.3% moderate, and 22.5% high CVD-risk The APPLE cohort was stratified as: 28.5% low, 42.4% moderate, and 29.1% high CVD-risk
QRISK-3 score (N ) 109 144
Very low QRISK-3 risk <5% 92 (84.4%) 120 (83%)
Low QRISK-3 risk = 5-9.9% 8 (7.3%) 19 (13%)
Moderate QRISK-3 risk = 10-19.9% 2 (1.8%) 3 (2%)
High QRISK-3 risk >20% 7 (6.4%) 2 (1%)
FRS score (N ) 80 144
Very low FRS <5% 80 (100%) 144 (100%)
Low FRS = 5-9.9% 0 0
Moderate FRS =10-19.9% 0 0
High FRS >20% 0 0
ASCVD score (N ) 62 99
Low ASCVD risk <5% 60 (96.8%) 92 (93%)
Moderate ASCVD risk = 5-7.4% 1 (1.6%) 3 (3%)
High ASCVD risk = 7.5-20% 1 (1.6%) 4 (4%)
PDAY score (N ) 78 138
Very low PDAY score <2 points 8 (7.3%) 98 (71%)
Low PDAY score = 2-5 points 29 (26.6%) 22 (16%)
Moderate PDAY score = 6-10 points 17 (21.8%) 14 (10%)
High PDAY score>10 points 34 (43.5%) 4 (3%)

All scores had very low performance against CVD-risk robust stratification. The PDAY-score performed best, with 67% specificity but only 50% sensitivity in correctly classifying CYP with high CVD-risk in the UCL cohort, and correlated with individuals’ age, disease duration, median SLEDAI/SLICC scores (r=0.78, 0.48, 0.28 and 0.3, respectively, P<0.05). Linear regression analysis found that age/disease activity were the strongest determinants of PDAY-score (one year increase in age/one point increase in median SLEDAI-2K score over the disease course were associated with 1.13/0.41 points increase in PDAY-score, respectively, when sex/disease duration/damage/lipid levels/steroids were accounted for).

Conclusion: Overall disease activity and age were the strongest predictors of PDAY-score but only in the slightly older cSLE cohort. CVD-risk scores, even if validated for ages ≥14, do not adequately capture CVD-risk in cSLE. PDAY-score performed moderately well for young adults only, highlighting the need for better CVD-risk stratification tools in cSLE, especially for younger patients[3].

REFERENCES: [1] Ambrose N et al., Lupus . 2016;25:1542-1550.

[2] Groot N et al., Arthritis Rheumatol . 2019;71:290-301.

[3] Robinson GA et al., EBioMedicine. 2021 Mar;65:103243. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103243.

[4] Ciurtin C et al., Front Med (Lausanne ). 2022;9:814905.

[5] Schanberg LE et al., Arthritis Rheum . 2009;60:1496-507.

Acknowledgements: NIL.

Disclosure of Interests: Coziana Ciurtin Novartis, UCB, GSK, Junjie Peng: None declared, Yiming Gao: None declared, Misato Niwa: None declared, Stacy Ardoin: None declared, Laura Schanberg: None declared, Laura Lewandowski: None declared, Elizabeth Jury GSK, George Robinson: None declared.

DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2024-eular.1133
Keywords: Comorbidities, Cardiovascular diseases, Atherosclerosis
Citation: , volume 83, supplement 1, year 2024, page 398
Session: Clinical Poster Tours: Facets of Systemic lupus (Poster Tours)