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POS1011 (2024)
Keywords: Adaptive immunity, Remission, Innate immunity, Biomarkers
L. Iorio1, C. Baggio1, F. Davanzo1, M. Codirenzi1, E. Fiorin1, F. Oliviero1, R. Padoan1, A. Doria1
1University of Padova, Department of Medicine DIMED, Rheumatology Unit, Padova, Italy

Background: In the pathogenesis of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV), neutrophils play a crucial role, serving as both the target cells attacked by ANCA and the main participating cells in regulating the inflammatory process. [1]

Autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases can lead to abnormalities in leukocytes, particularly in polymorphonuclear cells (PMN), with neutrophils comprising the majority. Abnormal PMN morphologies may encompass hypo- and hyper-segmentation as well as immature forms. [2] There is a gap in the current literature regarding abnormalities in circulating leukocytes in patients in sustained remission.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the different neutrophil phenotypes within three groups: granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA).

Methods: We collected blood samples from adult patients affected by GPA, MPA and EGPA, classified according to the EULAR/ACR criteria 2022, who attended the outpatients Vasculitis Clinic of our University. All patients were no longer taking steroid therapy and were in the remission stage, as per the EULAR/ACR definition. A age- and sex- matched control group of healthy subjects was enrolled. May-Graunwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining of peripheral blood smears was used for studying cellular morphology.

Results: Between may 2023 and November 2023, we enrolled 45 patients: 16 GPA patients, 13 MPA patients and 28 EGPA patients, of which 19 ANCA positive EGPA and 9 ANCA negative EGPA. Hence, we enrolled 28 matched healthy controls (HCs).

No differences were observed among the three groups of AAV patients with respect to female sex (GPA=50%, MPA=46.2%, EGPA=46.4%, p=0.969), age at sampling (median and IQR, GPA=54 [40-67], MPA=67 [52-78], EGPA=62 [55-71], p=0.172), disease duration at sampling (median and IQR, GPA=58 [43-143], MPA=90 [61-108], EGPA=78 [36-124], p=0.818), time from steroid discontinuation (median and IQR, GPA=36 [6-52], MPA=38 [14-53], EGPA=18 [9-48], p=0.567), and ongoing immunosuppressive therapy at sampling (n and %, GPA=12 [75], MPA=9 [69], EGPA=18 [64], p=0.7611).

A statistically significant increase in total PMN numbers was observed in AAV when compared to HC (median and IQR, HC 57.2 [53.8 -64.0], GPA 69.3 [57.7-79.60}, MPA 61.3 [52.6-67.3], and EGPA 62.3 [53.2-73.1], p=0.0501).

Hence, there was a statistically significant increase in the number of hypo-segmented in AAV patients (PMN: HC 7.5 [6.3-8.7], GPA 18.7 [14.9-20.8], MPA 12.7 [9.6-18.5], and EGPA 9.2 [5.5-13.0], p<0.0001), with a significant between the GPA and EGPA groups (p = 0.0001).

The number of hyper-segmented PMNs was similar in the four groups. No differences were observed in monocytes, granulocytes, and lymphocytes. Finally, no differences were observed in EGPA ANCA-positive patients when compared to EGPA ANCA-negative patients concerning PMN subgroups.

Conclusion: Patients with AAV exhibit statistically significant increase in the number of PMNs, particularly in the count of hypo-segmented PMNs. Further prospective studies involving larger cohorts are needed to confirm these differences and explore whether distinctions exist between active and inactive patients.

REFERENCES: [1] Ge S et al. Front Pharmacol . 2022;13:957660.

[2] Baggio C et al. Int J Mol Sci . 2023;24(6):5450.

Acknowledgements: NIL.

Disclosure of Interests: None declared.

DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2024-eular.5003
Keywords: Adaptive immunity, Remission, Innate immunity, Biomarkers
Citation: , volume 83, supplement 1, year 2024, page 1070
Session: Vasculitis, small and medium size vessels (Poster View)